Did Something Get Missed During Your Cleaning?
Dream Clean has invested a lot of time, energy and money to create the amazing training program that we have today, and we know how physically demanding and detail oriented the job is. Our crew really does amazing work and we appreciate all their effort to make sure your home is one less thing for you to worry about.
Now with all of that said, we also understand that there will be times when the cleaning is not at the level you’d expect or that something was missed during your cleaning. So now what?
Current clients will know that we have a survey that goes out that asks about your satisfaction with the cleaning. Generally it comes within a day or so, to the email address that’s on file, which gives us feedback on how we did and if there was something we could’ve done better.
If there was something that was missed with your cleaning, please don’t wait for that survey to come out to notify us. It would be better if you could reach out directly to our office via email or phone call to let us know as soon as possible. The reason why this is time sensitive is because it impacts our ability to correct the problem if days have gone by.
Once you let the office know of the situation, you may be asked to send in a photo of the missed item(s) so that we have them for our records. The photos also allow us to send them to the field manager that was in charge of your cleaning so they can see what was missed, which will allow them to improve their craft.
We also ask for kindness and a level of reasonability when it comes to missed items during your cleaning. The crews work hard day in and day out, and it’s just as frustrating for them to know that something was missed. No one wants to work that hard all day long without a satisfactory outcome for both parties.
Once the office has the information, we’ll review the situation and either issue an appropriate credit or send someone out to fix it, when applicable. The guarantee is meant for big mistakes, like someone missing a room or a combination of missed items. Whereas, we’ve had some people ask for steep discounts for missing a few crumbs behind the toaster, as an example, and this is something that wouldn’t qualify under the guarantee.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to us and let us know.